Trigger difference, but SCO displays none /DMS-36184
Posts: 38 Bronze 1
We a series of triggers, which exists in both DB, but SCO says there's a difference. When looking in the diff, there's none. Any idea why this is happening?
We a series of triggers, which exists in both DB, but SCO says there's a difference. When looking in the diff, there's none. Any idea why this is happening?
Thank you for your forum post.
Difficult to know why the comparison is detecting a difference. One possibility is a difference in line endings or carriage return line feed.
If click on the 'Show' drop down box between on the left hand side between the comparison results and the SQL differences view, is the option 'Show PL/SQL difference' available? If yes, select the option, where you will see hexadecimal data, are there any differences highlighted?
If the answer is no, can you please increase the minimum logging level to verbose as per this help article and send a copy of the log latest log file generated and a copy of the SCO_Comparison.log to
Many Thanks
Senior Product Support Engineer
Redgate Software Ltd
No such option. I've sent you the log files with verbose logging.