SQL Search does not work on Visual Studio 2017 or SSMS 2017

in SQL Search
SQL Search does not work in either Visual Studio 2017 or SSMS 2017 - it keeps saying indexing and does not appear to run to find anything in the search results and I know that there are items that do exist.
I have tried to uninstall and reinstall the software but it does not seem to work and another thing is that I am using the product as a user with limited access that is how the pc I am using the software for is setup
Perhaps that could be the issue but I am installing the software properly with a different user who has the right access.
I am using Version
Perhaps that could be the issue but I am installing the software properly with a different user who has the right access.
I am using Version
It may be that the indexes are corrupted for some reason. Please close SSMS and VS, delete the indexes located at %LocalAppData%\Red Gate\SQLSearch 3\Indexes and then restart SSMS and/or VS and try once more.
If not please let me know and we can try to get the log files from you to investigate further.
Kind regards,
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Now after I deleted the indexes - both VS and SSMS completely crash when you try to use the SQL Search Add-in
The index for the server has been recreated.
Here is the error from the logfile
Did you close SSMS and Visual Studio before deleting the indexes from that folder?
Have you restarted since removing the indexes and are you still receiving the error?
I've not been able to reproduce the issue you are seeing and the only way I can get an error is to remove the indexes while SSMS is still running. When I restart the application it recreates the indexes (it recreates the entire SQL Search 3 folder in %LocalAppData%\Red Gate if I've deleted it).
Perhaps uninstalling and reinstalling will help the situation - please get the latest installer from here:
and let me if the issue persists.
Kind regards,
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The error you are getting is different and is usually an environmental issue.
Please see this page https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/sqlserver/en-US/3bbcd9a3-f90b-4ef2-8244-f06ee8d9cfa3/timeout-error-while-attempting-to-consume-the-prelogin-handshake
Kind regards,
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I asked you some further questions in my post before @nsn_szydzik left their message.
Did you close SSMS and Visual Studio before deleting the indexes from that folder?
Have you restarted since removing the indexes and are you still receiving the error?
I've not been able to reproduce the issue you are seeing and the only way I can get an error is to remove the indexes while SSMS is still running. When I restart the application it recreates the indexes (it recreates the entire SQL Search 3 folder in %LocalAppData%\Red Gate if I've deleted it).
Perhaps uninstalling and reinstalling will help the situation - please get the latest installer from here:
and let me if the issue persists.
Kind regards,
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