Long Running Backup Jobs

I installed SQL Backup on 01/09/07 on a server named SQLDATA. From that time until 01/23/07 the average run time for the full nightly backup on SQLDATA was about 48 minutes (Fantastic!!!). The job's run time jumped up on the 23rd, however, and has been averaging 135 minutes since then.
There were two significant changes that I am aware of on SQLDATA on the 23rd. I created a new database, but that database was, and remains empty. Also, Microsoft patches were applied that day.
Based on the logs, it looks like the actual work of backing up the databases took a total of about 15 minutes last night, but there are significant time gaps between the backups of each database with a total run time of 116 minutes. This seems similar to the issue described in the Slow Copying? post I read today so I have moved the SQL Backup log files from the C: drive and set the configuration to delete them after two weeks. However, the log files on SQLDATA were not significant in number or in size, so I don't believe this is the cause of my issue.
Does anyone have any idea as to why these jobs suddenly began taking so long?
There were two significant changes that I am aware of on SQLDATA on the 23rd. I created a new database, but that database was, and remains empty. Also, Microsoft patches were applied that day.
Based on the logs, it looks like the actual work of backing up the databases took a total of about 15 minutes last night, but there are significant time gaps between the backups of each database with a total run time of 116 minutes. This seems similar to the issue described in the Slow Copying? post I read today so I have moved the SQL Backup log files from the C: drive and set the configuration to delete them after two weeks. However, the log files on SQLDATA were not significant in number or in size, so I don't believe this is the cause of my issue.
Does anyone have any idea as to why these jobs suddenly began taking so long?
I write the code that makes the young girls cry.
I write the code that makes the young girls cry.
SQL Backup Consultant Developer
Associate, Yohz Software
Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
It looks like the log files are too large to include in the post. I've included sections of two log files below. The first is from 01/23 and is typical of the performance I had seen up till then. The second is from 01/24 and shows the performance I've seen since then. If you 'd like to see the logs in their entirety, let me know and I can email them to you.
I write the code that makes the young girls cry.
SQL Backup Consultant Developer
Associate, Yohz Software
Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
I ran the command from Query Analyzer. It completed successfully in about 24 minutes. Two differences that might account for this is that there were no files old enough to delete (they were deleted early this morning), and backup jobs run much faster outside my normal backup window because there's no contention from all the other backup jobs.
After looking over last nights log, it looks like the delay is still occurring just after the file deletion step, so I modified the statement to delete files that were six days old rather that seven. This modified statement ran in Query Analyzer in about 25 minutes.
If it's contention for resources, why then the sudden change on the 23rd?
I write the code that makes the young girls cry.
If you can, try scheduling a backup without the ERASEFILES/ERASEFILES_ATSTART options for a day, to see if it is the cause of the problem.
SQL Backup Consultant Developer
Associate, Yohz Software
Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
Thanks for your help on this.
I write the code that makes the young girls cry.
I write the code that makes the young girls cry.
SQL Backup Consultant Developer
Associate, Yohz Software
Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
I've updated the job to segregate the different database's backups into seperate folders and reset the ERASEFILES = 7 option.
I believe we've got it
Thanks again.
I write the code that makes the young girls cry.
I write the code that makes the young girls cry.