SQL Prompt makes SSMS crash when "Enable Suggestions" is enabled

I am running SSMS 2017 (17.8.1) on Windows 10 with the following component versions:
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 14.0.17277.0
Microsoft Analysis Services Client Tools 14.0.1016.262
Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 10.0.17134.1
Microsoft MSXML 3.0 6.0
Microsoft Internet Explorer 9.11.17134.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0.30319.42000
Operating System 6.3.17134
SQL Prompt is in version
SSMS works perfectly fine when the SQL Prompt setting "Enable Suggestions" is disabled, but as soon as I enable it and try to type any query SSMS freezes and generates an error saying "Is Busy. SQL Server Management is waiting for an internal operation to complete. If you encounter this problem... report it to Microsoft.".
I have reinstalled both SQL Prompt and SSMS without success.
SQL Prompt is in version
SSMS works perfectly fine when the SQL Prompt setting "Enable Suggestions" is disabled, but as soon as I enable it and try to type any query SSMS freezes and generates an error saying "Is Busy. SQL Server Management is waiting for an internal operation to complete. If you encounter this problem... report it to Microsoft.".
I have reinstalled both SQL Prompt and SSMS without success.
Best Answer
Alex B Posts: 1,159 Diamond 4
Hi all,
We believe version 9.2.8 will correct this issue. Please download it from the ftp here. I had disabled my suggestions and had to re-enable them after updating, then restart SSMS once for it to all work properly.
Kind regards,
Thank you for the answer!
Did you find the installation file for 9.1 on red-gates website? It is not on https://www.red-gate.com/products/old-versions
I think the developers are near a fix for this issue. I personally saw it start in 9.2.7.
You can download 9.2.6 here.
Also, here is a link to 9.1.16 from our ftp.
Keep an eye out for 9.2.8 which I believe will help with this issue!
Kind regards,
Have you visited our Help Center?
Used versions:
Operating System 6.3.17134
SQL Promt version :
and connected to
Microsoft SQL Server 2016 (SP1-CU5) (KB4040714) - 13.0.4451.0 (X64)
Microsoft Analysis Services Client Tools 14.0.1016.283
Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 10.0.17134.1
Microsoft MSXML 3.0 6.0
Microsoft Internet Explorer 9.11.17134.0
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0.30319.42000
Operating System 6.3.17134
SQL Promt version :