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Redgate Community Forums

Welcome to our community forums. This space is for you: to help you achieve success with your Redgate tools and connect you with fellow users and members of the Redgate team. Here you can ask questions, discuss interesting topics and trends, get the latest tool news direct from the development team, and help one another to solve problems. Join the discussion.



Test Data Management


Discussions for all things PostgreSQL - learning resources, technical questions and best practices.

SQL Server Products

Discussions on Redgate's SQL Server products including SQL Prompt, SQL Monitor and SQL Change Automation.

Oracle Products

Discussions on Redgate's Oracle products including Schema and Data Compare for Oracle.

Database DevOps

Topics covering the implementation of Flyway and Redgate Deploy across teams and technologies. If you are a supported customer and require urgent support, please contact

General Forum

Discussions on non-product and industry-related topics, plus regular competitions.

Community Circle

Discussions on Community Circle's weekly courses, learning content, and activities.

MySQL Tools

Discussions on Redgate's MySQL products: MySQL Compare and MySQL Data Compare

.NET Development Tools

Discussions on Redgate's .NET products including .ANTS Performance Profiler, .NET Reflector and SmartAssembly.

Discontinued and Previous Versions