Customize Maintenance windows

In previous versions, maintenance windows silenced all alerts, but still kept track of data. This was helpful in times when a server needed to be restarted etc due to some scheduled maintenance. We didn't lose any data and we didn't needlessly cause pages for know events(think Microsoft patching). We expected the machine to reboot during that window and therefore didn't need to page.
In v6 or 7 that changed and only certain alerts are now silenced (
Is there a way to revert to the old configuration where no alerts are sent during a maintenance window, or a custom list of alerts could be silenced? The only way we have to do this is to suspend monitoring during the maintenance time-frame which means we lose data that may be helpful.
In v6 or 7 that changed and only certain alerts are now silenced (
Is there a way to revert to the old configuration where no alerts are sent during a maintenance window, or a custom list of alerts could be silenced? The only way we have to do this is to suspend monitoring during the maintenance time-frame which means we lose data that may be helpful.
Apologies your question didn't get a prompt reply.
You can get a list Alert ID's from:
SELECT * FROM [alert].[Alert_Type]
To see which alerts are included in 'MaintenanceWindow-AlertsToExclude', execute:
SELECT * FROM [RedGateMonitor].[settings].[KeyValuePairs]
Adding an alert ID to the SET should stop alerts being generated for that alert type:
UPDATE [redgate].[settings].[KeyValuePairs]
SET [KeyValue] = '"10","1","5","11","40","16","4","24","12","44","45","41"'
WHERE [KeyName] = 'MaintenanceWindow-AlertsToExclude'
I'd be grateful if you could let me know if that solves the issue.