Value cannot be null

I'm trying to compare two databases and the process fails during "Registering target database" with the following error "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: key". I'm using version " Standard". Help please.

- It's worth upgrading to the latest version - we've fixed a lot of bugs (and added a fair few features) between 12.0.33 and 12.3.1 so there's a decent chance we might have fixed this already
- If that doesn't work, then clicking on the 'More details' link should give you an option to send in the exception as an error report / alternatively getting in touch with support to figure out the reproduction would be really helpful
see attached
I am also facing the same problem.
What steps need to follow from end to resolve?
@Mark J @Jessica R
Sorry to hear that!
Can I first double check that you've followed the steps here to ensure your user has the necessary permissions:
Should that still not help though, please let us know!
Jessica Ramos | Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software
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I have the same problem when I'm trying to compare two script folders.
Since I compare folders it can't be authorization issue.
SQL Compare version is
Why SQL Compare can't report about problem object? I don't know.