Regarding Supported Record Comparison on Oracle DB compare

I am using Oracle Data Compare for my Project. That DB contains around 11 tables with huge amount of data(200 thousands records in a single table).
Tool is unable to compare tables with 200 thousands records, but it able to show result for less data.
Can you please tell me the supported data comparison size (how much record it can compare) for oracle Data compare.
I am using trial version.
I am using Oracle Data Compare for my Project. That DB contains around 11 tables with huge amount of data(200 thousands records in a single table).
Tool is unable to compare tables with 200 thousands records, but it able to show result for less data.
Can you please tell me the supported data comparison size (how much record it can compare) for oracle Data compare.
I am using trial version.
There is no comparison size limit in Data Compare for Oracle. However the amount of data can be compared will be restricted by the amount of free disk space for the creation of temporary files that the comparison process creates.
By default, Data Compare for Oracle creates temporary *.tmp files in the Windows Temp directory. In my experience, most Windows administrators restrict the size of the C: drive, which will mean that the Windows Temp directory occupies or has available a reduced amount of free disk space for the creation of *.tmp files. For most applications (including Data Compare for Oracle) this is normally sufficient.
When comparing large datasets, the tmp files created the comparison process can exhaust the available free disk space, resulting in Out of Memory exceptions and other strange behaviors.
Reducing the amount of data to be compared via the 'tables & Views' tab, may help by reducing the number of objects to be compared in the comparison, making use of a WHERE clause so only the data of interest is compared and in some cases even reducing the number of columns in each table (or view) to be compared.
The user can also set a new System Environment Variable called RGTEMP whose data value is to a folder on another disk drive (if one is available) that has sufficient free disk space to create the tmp files generated by the comparison. On start-up of Data Compare for Oracle (or any Redgate Comparison Product), the application checks to see if the RGTEMP System Environment Variable has been configured. If this has been set, it will use the path specified for the RGTEMP System Environment Variable. If this has not been set, the application defaults to the Windows Temp directory.
The steps below explain how to configure the RGTEMP System Environment Variable. For example, to use the folder RGtemp on drive
1.On the Start menu, right-click Computer and select Properties.
2.In the Advanced tab, click Environment Variables.
3.Click New.
4.In the Variable name field, type: RGTEMP
5.In the Variable value field, type: D:RGtemp
6.Click OK.
7.Close any open Redgate tools.
8.Log out of Windows and log in again.
All Redgate tools will use the folder you specified to save temporary data. You can test this by running a comparison in Data Compare for Oracle (or running an operation in another Redgate tool) and checking that files are added to the new location.
To undo this and have Redgate tools use the default folder, delete the RGTEMP variable from the Environment Variables list, and follow steps 7 and 8 again.
Many Thanks
Senior Product Support Engineer
Redgate Software Ltd