Static data rows scripted incorrectly for certain characters

I have a handful of cases where static data in lookup tables I've linked to SQL Source Control get corrupted when SSC scripts out the data, if they contain certain characters, such as accented Latin characters.
For example, I have a Country table with a list of countries, and when scripting out the static data, SQL Source Control chews up the string 'Saint Barthélemy' into 'Saint Barthélemy'.
This is incredibly frustrating because I have to go manually fix the static data scripts to correct these things each time I sync my static data to my repository, for the tables where I know this issue exists. It is far too easy for someone not to notice this when they're checking in static data & end up having it screw up some static data if you ever have a scenario where you need to re-create the database from the scripts (as we currently do often with this database, which is a brand new database in development to replace a legacy system, so we routinely create an empty DB, re-seed all the static data from source control, then migrate data in from the legacy system.)
Currently using SQL Source Control
For example, I have a Country table with a list of countries, and when scripting out the static data, SQL Source Control chews up the string 'Saint Barthélemy' into 'Saint Barthélemy'.
This is incredibly frustrating because I have to go manually fix the static data scripts to correct these things each time I sync my static data to my repository, for the tables where I know this issue exists. It is far too easy for someone not to notice this when they're checking in static data & end up having it screw up some static data if you ever have a scenario where you need to re-create the database from the scripts (as we currently do often with this database, which is a brand new database in development to replace a legacy system, so we routinely create an empty DB, re-seed all the static data from source control, then migrate data in from the legacy system.)
Currently using SQL Source Control
Thanks for contacting us!
I've reached out via email to get more info on this - I'm thinking this has to do with collations but I look forward to digging deeper.
Technical Sales Engineer
Redgate Software