Expand / collapse all

rcheeldrcheeld Posts: 2
edited September 26, 2016 11:03AM in SQL Test
I have had a search around the forums and can't seem to find anything on this?

Is there or will there be the ability to expand/collapse all tests. We have several hundered tests per database and it makes navigating down to specific test quite difficult as they are all expanded by default.

Apologies if this has been covered elsewhere, the forum search didn't yield any results for expand/collapse.



  • Alex BAlex B Posts: 1,159 Diamond 4
    Hi rcheeld,

    There has just been a new release of SQL Test which makes the interface a bit more usable, however this behaviour is still the same. There is an issue with internal reference SQT-74 related to this exact issue though I don't have a time frame for when this issue may be resolved. I will update this when there is any further information!

    Kind regards,
    Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software

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  • I am currently using the new version of SQL Test. Whilst there has been a minor UI change it doesn't help this issue.

    Based on the top feature idea's for SQLTest https://sqltest.uservoice.com/forums/140716-sql-test-forum/filters/top. This request is currently 3rd and was initially raised in February of 2014.
    It is extremely disappointing that such a basic feature has still not been implemented. We have several database, each of which have several hundred tests. Trying to navigate through the tests is very difficult. The expand/collapse all option is just the the intermediate solution to what should be a much richer user experience (e.g. Pass/Fail/NotRun ,Database and TestClass filters, etc).

    Can we please get this prioritised for future.
  • Alex BAlex B Posts: 1,159 Diamond 4
    Hi JBond312,

    I have added your comments to the internal issue for the developers to consider as well but unfortunately I can't set the priority of their work. I'll update here when I have any further information!

    Kind regards,
    Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software

    Have you visited our Help Center?
  • SQL Test version 1.6 now comes with Expand / Collapse All on databases and test classes, on the context menu.

    You can get it through Check for Updates or from http://www.red-gate.com/products/sql-de ... /sql-test/ – release notes at https://documentation.red-gate.com/disp ... ease+notes
    Software Developer
    Redgate Software
  • Thanks for getting this done. It should make all our lives a lot easier going forward!
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