New Release limiting alert value (99999)

The max alert value in new release is: 99999
For custom alerts like monitoring REPL commands in distribution DB, these needs to be higher.
It was set higher in previous releases of SQL Mon but now is limited to this max alert value.
For custom alerts like monitoring REPL commands in distribution DB, these needs to be higher.
It was set higher in previous releases of SQL Mon but now is limited to this max alert value.
I can confirm the behaviour you have seen and I have raised the issue to the developers with internal reference SRP-10695.
The configuration is stored in config.AlertConfiguration table with the _AlertType 40 (custom metric) and the _SubType based on the Id value from the settings.CustomAlertDefinitions
table. You can do an update statement and paste in the XML from the config.AlertConfiguration table, though it doesn't appear to change what is shown in the UI and I don't know if the new value will actually be used.
I will update here when I have further information on a resolution for this.
Kind regards,
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