Free, non-commercial editions of the MySQL tools

David AtkinsonDavid Atkinson Posts: 1,464 Rose Gold 2
edited March 15, 2017 4:25PM in MySQL Compare
The MySQL tools now benefit from a free edition for non-commercial use. We are, however, unable to provide support for this edition. However, please post your questions to this forum or StackOverflow and hopefully these will be picked up with other members of the community.

Once you download the tool, a serial number will be emailed to you.

If the email doesn't arrive, please use 606-005-267468-72DE
David Atkinson
Product Manager
Redgate Software


  • Hey David!

    Where can I download the free edition? I only find links to the 14 days trial version.

  • After download, you should be emailed the serial number. Please try again and if this doesn't happen, post a reply to this message and I'll send it to you directly.
    David Atkinson
    Product Manager
    Redgate Software
  • Just tried this the second time, but somehow I haven't received an email.
    So if you send/PM me a key I would really appreciate this. :-)
  • Downloaded s/w but got no email with serial number, tried twice. Can you send me key please
  • Please use the tool in its 14-day trial for the time being. We're investigating our auto-email system as it appears that there's a small delay between download the the emails getting triggered. Thank you for your patience.
    David Atkinson
    Product Manager
    Redgate Software
  • I tried download yesterday and today and I didn't receive the serial numbers for mysql bundle.

    Could you send me the serial?
  • I have emailed you the serial key.
    David Atkinson
    Product Manager
    Redgate Software
  • It's now August and this serial number thing does not seem to work still. I have tried several different e-mail addresses, so I'm sure it's not going to spam folders or being blocked somehow. I still have yet to receive a serial number and I've tried many times over the last couple of months. I'd like my serial number please.
  • Sorry about this. The serial number to use is 606-005-267468-72DE

    It's strange that some people aren't getting the email. We use HubSpot to do this.

    Apologies and thanks for using our tools!

    David Atkinson
    Product Manager
    Redgate Software
  • I am exploring Free Redgate MySQL Data/Schema compare (Trial Version, received an email with a serial key) for Microsoft Azure upcoming MySQL/PostgreSQL service but not a success (ERROR- can't connect to MySQL Server(10061): Authentication).
    Any help or pointer to resolve this would be appreciated.
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