restrict/hide database

Hi i am using SQL Search Can i know if we can hide/restrict certain database from the dropdownbox? We have encountered a false alarm triggered by the DBA that someone is trying to access into all our databases. But only we know that it is a false alarm as the user is using "ALL Databases" search. This has triggered many login failure that alerted our DBA.
Could you advise if there is a way for us to configure to show only those databases we want user to have access in the dropdownlist? Thanks.
Could you advise if there is a way for us to configure to show only those databases we want user to have access in the dropdownlist? Thanks.
Thank you for your forum post.
Sadly there there is not a feature to restrict / hide databases from the drop down list.
I have added the details of this forum post to an existing request / Bug Report whose reference is SDI-688. Hopefully the ability to hide or restrict access to databases may appear in a future version of the product.
Many Thanks
Senior Product Support Engineer
Redgate Software Ltd
If we could do anything client side like flag a given server/database as off-limits or cap the connection attempts below where monitoring alerts would fire, that would be much appreciated.
Thank you for your update to this forum post.
I have added you comments SDI-688.
You may also wish to create a new topic or update an existing topic in the User Voice forum for SQL Search, available through this LINK.
The User Voice forum is the best place to submit feature suggestions. The more votes and comments a topic receives will increase its chances of being included in a future version of SQL Search.
Many Thanks
Senior Product Support Engineer
Redgate Software Ltd