"Existing folder" is not recognized in GitLab

I'm trying to register two projects with the same Git-Repo Folder. The first project is no problem. Bit with second one the Source Control doesn't recognize that the folder exists already and propose to create a new one, overwriting commits from the first project. Is there some workaround for this?
Best Regards,
I'm trying to register two projects with the same Git-Repo Folder. The first project is no problem. Bit with second one the Source Control doesn't recognize that the folder exists already and propose to create a new one, overwriting commits from the first project. Is there some workaround for this?
Best Regards,
Thank you for your forum post.
Would you please, take a screen shot of the error you are experiencing and send it to support@red-gate.com quoting call reference #62572? Also would you please include a copy of the Source Control for Oracle log file from the period you attempt your project creation?
Many Thanks
Senior Product Support Engineer
Redgate Software Ltd
Email: support@red-gate.com