SQL Backup exit code: 610

Hi Everyone
I'm a newbie to redgate and first time to use the tools. I hope someone can help me to solve my issue. I'm trying to execute RESTORE FILELISTONLY but i'm getting error: SQL Backup exit code: 610 any idea what it means?
Thanks & Regards,
I'm a newbie to redgate and first time to use the tools. I hope someone can help me to solve my issue. I'm trying to execute RESTORE FILELISTONLY but i'm getting error: SQL Backup exit code: 610 any idea what it means?
Thanks & Regards,
SQL Backup Consultant Developer
Associate, Yohz Software
Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
Thank you for your the reply.
Below are the script I'm using to restore the database using FILELISTONLY command. I'm using query analyzer using MSSQL Management Studio.
EXECUTE master..sqlbackup '-SQL "RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK = ''DriveFilename.sqb''"'
Msg 1, Level 15, State 1, Line 0
Reading filelist of "Drive:Filename.sqb"
ReadFile failed for file: DriveFilename.sqb at position: 0
1/29/2015 2:38:06 PM: Re-attempt: 1
1/29/2015 2:38:36 PM: Re-attempt: 2
1/29/2015 2:39:06 PM: Re-attempt: 3
1/29/2015 2:39:36 PM: Re-attempt: 4
1/29/2015 2:40:06 PM: Re-attempt: 5
1/29/2015 2:40:36 PM: Re-attempt: 6
1/29/2015 2:41:06 PM: Re-attempt: 7
1/29/2015 2:41:36 PM: Re-attempt: 8
1/29/2015 2:42:06 PM: Re-attempt: 9
1/29/2015 2:42:36 PM: Re-attempt: 10
1/29/2015 2:42:36 PM: SetFilePointerEx error: The parameter is incorrect.
1/29/2015 2:43:06 PM: SetFilePointerEx error: The parameter is incorrect.
SQL Backup exit code: 610
Hope you can help me to my issue. Thanks a lot
Also, what is the size of the backup file, and what is the type of disk that the file is residing on? Is it a network share, a local drive, or a SAN etc?
SQL Backup Consultant Developer
Associate, Yohz Software
Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
Thank you for the email.
The size of the backup file was 900+ MB and the file location sitting on SAN. Below are the results after execution: Thanks a lot!
SQL Backup v7.3.2.12
Reading SQB file header of "DriveFilename.sqb"
Error 560: File is missing or not accessible: DriveFilename.sqb.sqb
SQL Backup exit code: 560
(6 row(s) affected)
name value
exitcode 560
sqlerrorcode 0
(2 row(s) affected)
Regards, Andrian
SQL Backup Consultant Developer
Associate, Yohz Software
Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
I'm able to execute the RESTORE SQBHEADERONLY and no issue found.
SQL Backup v7.3.2.12
Reading SQB file header of "Drive:Filename.sqb"
Backup group ID : 67803373
File number : 1 of 1
Threads : 7 (multi-threaded file)
Backup type : 1 (Database)
Native backup size : 9.281 GB
Database size : 10.990 GB
Backup start : Monday, February 02, 2015 12:06:13 AM
Backup end : Monday, February 02, 2015 12:08:35 AM
Server name : Servername
Database name : Databasename
First LSN : 13281000000067800037
Last LSN : 13281000000069400001
Checkpoint LSN : 13281000000067800037
Database backup LSN : 13281000000062800037
(21 row(s) affected)
name value
exitcode 0
sqlerrorcode 0
filename001 DriveFilename.sqb
(3 row(s) affected)
But when execute RESTORE FILELISTONLY I'm still getting same issue:
Msg 1, Level 15, State 1, Line 0
Reading filelist of "DriveFilename.sqb"
ReadFile failed for file: Drive:Filename.sqb at position: 0
2/3/2015 3:42:48 PM: Re-attempt: 1
2/3/2015 3:43:18 PM: Re-attempt: 2
2/3/2015 3:43:48 PM: Re-attempt: 3
2/3/2015 3:44:18 PM: Re-attempt: 4
2/3/2015 3:44:48 PM: Re-attempt: 5
2/3/2015 3:45:19 PM: Re-attempt: 6
2/3/2015 3:45:49 PM: Re-attempt: 7
2/3/2015 3:46:19 PM: Re-attempt: 8
2/3/2015 3:46:50 PM: Re-attempt: 9
2/3/2015 3:47:20 PM: Re-attempt: 10
2/3/2015 3:47:20 PM: SetFilePointerEx error: The parameter is incorrect.
2/3/2015 3:47:50 PM: SetFilePointerEx error: The parameter is incorrect.
SQL Backup exit code: 610
LogicalName PhysicalName Type FileGroupName Size MaxSize
Regards, Andrian
From the main menu, select the 'Tools > Check file integrity' item. Fill in the details of the backup file, and click on the 'Start' button. Does the validation run successfully? Then select the 'Tools > Misc tests' item from the main menu, enter the path to the network share where the backup file is located, and click on the 'Process button'. What is the reported disk sector size?
SQL Backup Consultant Developer
Associate, Yohz Software
Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
Yes, after the the file integrity check "File Is Valid" and the Disk sector size is 4096 bytes after Misc tests.
Regards, Andrian
SQL Backup Consultant Developer
Associate, Yohz Software
Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
Thanks a lot for the help. After updating SQL Backup we're able to read now the files.
Regards, Andrian
We are having the exact same issue as the original poster, including the results of RESTORE FILELISTONLY, RESTORE SQBHEADERONLY, and the test utility. Except we are running version 7.7. If it helps we are running SQL 2012 on Windows Server 2012 R2.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
ftp://support.red-gate.com/patches/sql_ ... _0_109.zip
To install the patch, stop the SQL Backup Agent service after ensuring no backup or restore jobs are running. Rename the existing executable files in the SQL Backup server components folder, then copy the files from the zip archive into that folder. Start the SQL Backup Agent service, and try running the restore commands.
SQL Backup Consultant Developer
Associate, Yohz Software
Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
SQL Backup Consultant Developer
Associate, Yohz Software
Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
I have some databases I've set up on one of my new servers (a standalone server), I'm backing them up, copying the .sqb files to another new server (2-node active/passive cluster) and attempting to restore it there. The file selection dialog hangs for a while then reports failure with the "SetFilePointerEx error: The parameter is incorrect." error.
I've tried running these:
On the server that took the backup, both run fine but on the one where I've copied the file and want to restore, the headeronly works fine:
...but the verify gives the same error people have reported here:
SQL Backup service is running as a cluster admin user, and I've given explicit permissions on the folder containing the file.
I downloaded the SQL Backup Test Utilities application and ran that (on the server where I cannot restore) - it reported the file was OK.
I can restore the file on the original server just fine.
I'm stuck for ideas now...
Select the 'Tools > Misc tests' item from the main menu, enter the path to the folder where you copied the backup file to, and click on the 'Process button'. What is the reported disk sector size?
SQL Backup Consultant Developer
Associate, Yohz Software
Beyond compression - SQL Backup goodies under the hood, updated for version 8
512 bytes, same as the folder the backup was originally written to.
The folder the .sqb was on, and the backup target are both on blob storage that is presented through the C: drive (I don't now the technical details and the consultant who set it up is unavailable for a week now!), but it's presented as C:ClusterStorageVolume1 as a Mounted Volume with CSVFS file system. According to Microsoft "Cluster Shared Volumes (CSV) enable multiple nodes in a failover cluster to simultaneously have read-write access to the same LUN (disk) that is provisioned as an NTFS volume", so should be visible as NTFS, but SQL Backup appears to be having a problem with it.
We raided number of disks(32 disks) using storage space.
And same error occured and none of restore commands worked. (SQL Backup exit code: 610)
So we finally attached single disk(which created in Azure Console and no raid applied) to vm and no errors occured at all worked perpect.
But this considered critical issues if redgate backup needs to use on Cloud Enviroment.
need to fix asap I Think.
Thank you.