Path to RedgateDatabaseInfo.xml

josh_stcujosh_stcu Posts: 16 Bronze 3
edited January 23, 2025 6:39PM in SQL Compare
We are using the SQL Compare CLI to do state based deployments based on the schema-model folder as defined by Flyway. As I was reorganizing the files to accommodate this, I needed to put the RedgateDatabaseInfo.xml file in the root of the database folder (i.e. .../Database/RedgateDatabaseInfo.xml) but once I worked with the Flyway again it decided this file was missing and attempts to recreate it in the schema-model folder (i.e. .../Database/schema-model/RedgateDatabaseInfo.xml). Is there a SQL Compare CLI option to specify a path to the xml file or a setting in the Flyway project that can be updated that instructs Flyway to the preferred location for this file?


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