Path to RedgateDatabaseInfo.xml

We are using the SQL Compare CLI to do state based deployments based on the schema-model folder as defined by Flyway. As I was reorganizing the files to accommodate this, I needed to put the RedgateDatabaseInfo.xml file in the root of the database folder (i.e. .../Database/RedgateDatabaseInfo.xml) but once I worked with the Flyway again it decided this file was missing and attempts to recreate it in the schema-model folder (i.e. .../Database/schema-model/RedgateDatabaseInfo.xml). Is there a SQL Compare CLI option to specify a path to the xml file or a setting in the Flyway project that can be updated that instructs Flyway to the preferred location for this file?
Thanks for reaching out to Redgate Support. So with respect to the RedgateDatabaseInfo.xml file, after doing a preliminary search through our documentation, I do not see a manner in which you can change the default location of the .xml file. Here is what I found:
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Scripts folder database information file
When you create a scripts folder, an XML file containing some basic details about the structure of the database is created. The file is called RedGateDatabaseInfo.xml and is stored in the main scripts folder at the top level.
If the file does not exist when you run the comparison, SQL Compare creates it, using the default values.
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Additionally, checking through Flyway documentation, I do not see any CLI or parameters for editing the path.