Prompt issue with updates on second line

This started happening late last summer and I just haven't been bothered to report it until now.

SSMS version 22.30.0
SQL Prompt version

Basically if I create a temp table and then attempt to update it, the first line prompts, second and more line updates don't show any autocomplete. I think this may also happen on regular tables.



  • Hi @jsreynolds1,

    Thanks for reporting this issue to Redgate Support, I have tested this some and I think I may have this issue replicated, however, could I kindly ask that you provide the above query not as a screenshot but as actual text, I would like to test on your specific query and ensure the behavior is the same.


    Product Support

  • jsreynolds1jsreynolds1 Posts: 100 Silver 2
    Hi @cperez

    I recreated using temp tables so you don't have to have the same data, etc.

    Same problem exists. When I space away from the dot, I should get a list of columns, but I get almost nothing.

    Here is the code:
    DECLARE @Location VARCHAR(50);
    SET @Location = 'Doesntmattter';
    CREATE TABLE [#inv] ([location] VARCHAR(10), [foo] INT, [bar] INT, [baz] INT);
    INSERT INTO [#inv] ([location], [foo], [bar], [baz])
    ('theplace', 1, 2, 3),
    ('whereever', 1, 4, 5);
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS [#other];
    CREATE TABLE [#other] ([location] VARCHAR(10), [foo] INT, [bar] INT, [baz] INT);
    INSERT INTO [#other] ([location], [foo], [bar], [baz])
    ('another', 1, 2, 3),
    ('table', 1, 4, 5);
    WITH [specsum] AS
        SELECT   [#other].[location],
                 SUM([#other].[foo]) AS [foo],
                 SUM([#other].[bar]) AS [bar],
                 SUM([#other].[baz]) AS [baz]
        FROM     [#other]
        WHERE    CASE
                     WHEN [#other].[location] = ''
                          THEN 1
                     WHEN [#other].[location] = @Location
                          THEN 1
                 END = 1
        GROUP BY [#other].[location]
    UPDATE     [#inv]
    SET        [#inv].
    FROM       [#inv]
    INNER JOIN [#other]
        ON [#other].[location] = [#inv].[location];
    <img src="" alt="">
  • jsreynolds1jsreynolds1 Posts: 100 Silver 2
    Looks like image got bjorked. Here it is

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