Limitation on number of lines in FlywayScript
We are issue where our pipelines fails and throws error when we try to execute any script (Procedures) on the PostgreSQL DB (ATS FTEST) where the total character in the script exceeds 16330 characters in FLYWAY. We are using community edition 7.4. We also tried to find other alternatives nothing seems to work as this seems to be number of character limitation to get processed by BB/Flyway.
Just wanted to make a note this limitation will be applicable to code scripts like Procedures, functions, Views, Triggers, etc and what the limitation on number of lines is ? We wanted to know if you'll have faced such issues with other clients and how was it solved. We also want to know if there are alternative solution without doing any upgrade or going to commercial edition. also wanted to know if this is solved in higher version or enterprise edition and what's the limitation there,