Live Product Training Session: What’s new in Flyway

Don't miss our live customer-exclusive session on Wednesday, October 18th.
Join our product teams as we take you through everything you need to know about what's coming up for Flyway V10 and all the latest improvements from this year. We’ll also have our Flyway devs available for any other questions you might have, post them onto here in advance to improve the chances of a response.
Thank you
Session Q&A
Thank you for the questions asked during the session. We’ve recorded them, and added detailed answers and insights provided by our expert speakers. We encourage you to continue the conversation and ask any follow-ups you might have.
Q1. What constitutes critical vs high vs medium vulnerabilities?
We use the industry standard Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE). CVE is a glossary that classifies vulnerabilities. A CVE score is often used for prioritizing the security of vulnerabilities. The glossary analyzes vulnerabilities and then uses the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) to evaluate the threat level of a vulnerability. . More about this can be found here
Q2. Is the TOML "environment" tied to the ADO technical term "environment"?
No. It’s a Flyway specific setting that is similar to what you might do with the flyway conf files if you create dev.conf, test.conf, production.conf. Instead of managing separate config files, all environments can be defined in a single toml file.
Q3. Does this tool integrate with Visual Studio SQL Server Project to generate an output that can be used by Octopus Deploy for database deployment?
It does not integrate with VS Database Projects.
But its output (the set of flyway migrations) can be deployed in Octopus Deploy. Bob Walker has a Step Template
Q4. Is the "code analysis" done by SQLFluff or some other tool or application?
Yes, we integrate with SQLFluff, but we also offer an additional custom code analysis capability in FWE. More details are available here.
Q5. Have you considered ever adding DynamoDB?
We haven’t had much demand for this, but we will consider it if we get more requests. As part of the architecture changes, we’ve also made it easier for users to contribute their own code to extend compatibility to other RDBMS.
Q6. Any chance you have migrations for Iceberg tables on AWS on your radar?
We haven’t had much demand for this, but we will consider it if we get more requests. As part of the architecture changes, we’ve also made it easier for users to contribute their own code to extend compatibility to other RDBMS.
Q7. Does support exist for Azure DevOps?
Flyway is compatible with a huge number of CI/Release tools including Azure DevOps.
Q8. Do we need to PUSH TOML file on every push?
The Toml file is similar to the flyway .conf file. It can be handy to package up groups of settings, but isn’t required for Flyway to work.
We will continue to support flyway.conf, but if you want to use newer features, you’ll need to upgrade to TOML. They can do this by importing a flyway.conf in Flyway Desktop.
Q9. Will the check for updates button in flyway desktop work to upgrade to this new version? It hasn't worked in the past.
There was a bug in one release. This has been now fixed and should work going forward.
Q10. Will there be a migration process in the future for SQL Change Automation projects?
We will be publishing more details on how to migrate from SCA to Flyway in 2024.
The link you posted here to watch on-demand takes me to the same registration page only as well.
Maybe it is because regarding Flyway, I am still a prospective customer?
Have you registered and filled out the form on the right-hand side of the page with your name & email address? Sometimes if you’ve registered on one system and then tried to reaccess it on another, it might not recognise you, so you need to re-register.
Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.
Thank you