Change TFS Login

Best Answer
DanC Posts: 652 Gold 5
Hi @RocketSQL
This is a tricky one, because this could be defined in various locations and it's not always easy to find
Here are the following recommendations we make for resetting the TFS credentials:Delete your SQL Source Control cached credentials file
1. Close SSMS.
2. Go to the SQL Source Control config files folder. By default, this is located at %localappdata%\Red Gate\SQL Source Control 7
3. Delete Credentials.XML.
4. Restart SSMS and link the database again. SQL Source Control should prompt for credentials.Delete your cached credentials (this may be the same as the SO link at the top, but for a different OS version)
1. Close SSMS.
2. In Control Panel, go to Credential Manager (or Network Credentials, depending on your version of Windows).
3. Remove your TFS credentials.
4. Restart SSMS and link the database again. SQL Source Control should prompt for credentials.
Manually create TFS credentials
1. Close SSMS.
2. In Control Panel, go to Credential Manager (or Network Credentials, depending on your version of Windows).
3. Add a new credentials entry for your TFS sever, user name, and password.
4. Restart SSMS and link the database again. SQL Source Control should prompt for credentials.
Lastly there's also the registry as shown in this image
Kind regards
Dan Calver | Redgate Software
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