SQL History Results Not sorted by Date

Why are the SQL History search results no longer sorted by date?
It renders the SQL History functionality almost entirely useless if the results aren't sorted by date when there are several hundred queries returned by a search.
SQL History has been one of the most useful tools for me over the past few years and I see a few nice features added over the recent updates to the SQL History functionality but if I could just get my query search results to show up sorted by date then all would be good.
Am I using the tool wrong or is there a setting I need to change?

It renders the SQL History functionality almost entirely useless if the results aren't sorted by date when there are several hundred queries returned by a search.
SQL History has been one of the most useful tools for me over the past few years and I see a few nice features added over the recent updates to the SQL History functionality but if I could just get my query search results to show up sorted by date then all would be good.
Am I using the tool wrong or is there a setting I need to change?

Thank you for your inquiry into SQL Prompt, we are sorry to hear it is giving you trouble.
Regarding the sorting of the search function in SQL History, this is a known issue that the dev team has on the board to address in a future release in SQL Prompt. Unfortunately, there is currently no ETA for when this will make an appearance on SQL Prompt.
Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.
as Keith asks - what version do we need to rollback to to get less 'advanced' search for the moment please?
Regarding the version, prior to the newest SQL History, it would be 10.12.4. Any history that was created using the newer version of SQL History will not appear in the earlier version, however.
I hope this information helps.
Maybe the it would be easier for the dev team to add back Tab History along side the new SQL History while its being developed?
I am sure many of us would love to be able to see and test new features as they are refined but not at the expense of work we need to get done.
Removing an established and useful feature and replacing it with a different feature still in alpha is a good way to lose customer loyalty and eventually customers
Thank you for all of your feedback, Our dev teams are aware of the current version of SQL History being a pain point and are continuing to improve it with each release.
I also wanted to leave a hopefully helpful comment here for those using the current version of SQL Prompt and SQL History.
If you add a wildcard to the end of the search it should order by date where as it is currently set up to look for the closes match. This will not work with punctuation, however.
I hope this information helps.