Anyone using AWS Codebuild with Flyway?

Is there anyone within the community utilizing Flyway with AWS Codebuild? I'm exploring our options and trying out a POC but having some issues. I'm looking for some general guidance. In terms of the file location for the migration .sql files how are they usually copied into the docker container so flyway can see them. Or are they located somewhere else and the -locations reflects a S3 bucket or perhaps an EFS volume?
I know it's kind of an open ended question with many possible answers. Just wanted to know some peoples thoughts on it.
Thank you
Best Answer
Jon_Kirkwood Posts: 444 Gold 1
Hi @smoran
Thank you for reaching out on the Redgate forums, hopefully you are able to find some other users utilizing Flyway in this way.
I've had a quick look in our system and can certainly see clients using AWS Codebuild with Flyway, if there are specific issues you are facing in your POC then then we may be able to help more directly.
In the interim I have found this blog post by Grant Fritchey going through an AWS devops pipeline using AWS Codebase and Flyway; it may be of relevance to what you are investigating.
I can also see an AWS blog post going over similar concepts:
Hope this helps with your foray into Flyway and also look to the community to provide any feedback they have on using Codebase & Flyway within their CI/CD pipelines.
Jon Kirkwood | Technical Support Engineer | Redgate Software
This is exactly what I was looking for. I knew I wasn't the only one trying this!!
Thanks again for the response.