PREVIEW - Try out the Early Access preview of Flyway Desktop

If you are interested in providing feedback
and would like updates on our progress of object version and script generation in flyway, please sign up here to the Early Access Program or e-mail me directly
Once you have the latest version of Flyway desktop installed, you will need to add an environment variable of FLYWAY_DESKTOP_RG_COMPARE with a value of true to unlock the preview. You can now create a new project and the schema model and generate migrations tabs will be available within any new postgres projects that you create. If you need more information on how to Edit Environment Variables on Windows 10 or 11 the following link is useful.
Useful Resources.
We are planning to release Flyway Desktop in our paid-for tiers over the next quarter. We’ll also be releasing Flyway Desktop for Flyway Community in due course, although this won’t include the object version and script generation functionality. For more information on how to configure Flyway Desktop check out this video, or consult the documentation.
Thank you for posting this question @stefan_over and I am more than happy to clarify this for you. The functionality you have for community flyway in the CLI is not changing at all. We are building out additional functionality in the flyway desktop which will be chargeable in the future however at the moment it is in preview and we are looking for interested people to try it out and give us feedback on it. Flyway desktop is aimed at improving the database developer experience and team collaboration. Flyway desktop also provides the ability for a developer to make changes directly to a database and to script the changes into a schema model, which is demonstrated at 2.32 within this video Hopefully that answers your questions however if you do have any more questions, I would be more than happy to answer them here or e-mail me directly at