Flyway Desktop Preview available!

Flyway Desktop is a from-the-ground-up rewrite of SQL Source Control. We have designed this to rectify a handful of deficiencies in SQL Source Control.
- It's a standalone app, which means that it works for those not necessarily using SSMS.
- Improved performance with large schemas and over slow connections/VPNs
- Supports Azure SQL Database / Managed Instances (including Azure AD Interactive MFS auth)
- High DPI is supported
- Designed to support migrations-based deployments (in addition to state-based)
As this is our first preview we are eager to get feedback from the beginning. Not all SQL Source Control features have been ported so do let us know which ones are missing, so we can prioritize accordingly.
To try, download the most recent installer here.
David Atkinson
Product Manager
Redgate Software
Product Manager
Redgate Software
I haven't gotten too deep in the new stand-alone product yet, but it seems fundamentally different than SSC. It depends on everything being contained in a "project" which stores files locally and, as far as I know, is not a concept in SSC. I've created a test project, but not really sure where to go from there. I'll keep looking, not sure why source control must be contained in a project.
Also, the branding is inconsistent. The splash screen on the installer says "Redgate Deploy" then the installer itself calls it "Redgate Change Control" and clicking the "More details" link in the installer takes me to the "Redgate Deploy" webpage (
Version control tab only mentions Git - we use TFS for Redgate source control because we use the Shared development model. Is this not supported?
I was asked about using Redgate Change Control by a customer recently who had a need for the Shared Model and TFVC - so I created this video for them to run through a few features:
Let me know if this addresses some of your questions!
I believe branding is on the teams radar but thank you for the feedback
I hope Chris' video above has helped answer some of your questions about the project and how you can use Redgate Change Control with TFS.
We are looking to set up some user research calls on the new solution - Redgate Change Control (branding still being worked). The session would take an hour. We would like to learn more about what you're currently doing with SQL Source Control and any "pain points" or suggestions for improvements that you may have. We'll also plan to share our screen and have you take remote control to walk through some tasks to get a better understanding of how you see the preview and get your feedback on it early.
If you are interested in joining us for a research call, please sign up for an available time at Depending on how many sign-ups we get and what we learn from the calls, we may contact you to reschedule.
We look forward to working with you on this as we move from preview to release candidate and beyond.
Stephanie M. Herr :-)
Product Manager Database DevOps
The best scenario for us would be to have the same functionality that Source Control provides currently, but without the performance penalty in SSMS.
Regarding TFS integration, we're seeing the market move very swiftly away from TFVC and on to Git. Even Microsoft no longer recommend using TFVC, so I'd be curious to know if your organization have any plans to migrate? See the following article for more details.
Product Manager
Redgate Software
Product Manager
Redgate Software
But one question then. We currently use Source Control to commit to TFS and then SQL Compare to implement from TFS to the production environment. We don't care about repeatable migration scripts. Will we be able to stick to this procedure with the new tool?
Have you considered a tool like SQL Clone, which can provide database clones for each developer without incurring a larg overhead? Development is so much simpler if each developer has their own sandbox.
If you choose not to use migration scripts, you can still use the new tool. The project will still contain the schema model ("scripts folder" in SQL Source Control) and whether you use this as a deployment source (eg, with SQL Compare) or whether you use this as a source from which to create migration scripts, is entirely your choice.
Product Manager
Redgate Software
Stephanie M. Herr :-)
Product Manager Database DevOps
We've got this working internally for Mac but we've not yet released it as we have installer work to do, but it shouldn't be more than a few weeks now.
Product Manager
Redgate Software
Product Manager
Redgate Software
You can get download it from our installers page . We're looking forward to you're feedback.
Stephanie M. Herr :-)
Product Manager Database DevOps