Can't login to SQLSearch

Hi, I'm using VS2017 but when I try to login to SQL Search I'm getting this error:

A problem was encountered while attempting to authenticate you to use Redgate Data Tools. A failure occurred while completing authentication. Token: '4b82cec9-4c06-8c86-a16d-137717b8b618'

How I can fix this?



  • Hi Plamen, 

    Thanks for your post. 

    Just to confirm, does this happen as soon as you click LOG-IN in the upper right corner from the blue notification bar? Or does it let you try to log-in and the error is thrown after that?

    Could you please go to C:\ProgramData\Red Gate\Shared Client and delete any file ending in .dat, and then try logging in again?
    Kind regards

    Robyn Edwards | Redgate Software
    Have you visited our Help Center?
  • plamenplamen Posts: 4 New member

    It happens as soon as I click Log-In in the upper corner

    There is no Red Gate folder in my ProgramData folder.

    I found the SQLSearch log file and I see this error:

    Error writing to C:\ProgramData\Red Gate\Shared Client\UserTokens_plamenh...This error is due to the fact that I have restricted account and I don't have access to this folder.
  • Hi Plamen, 

    If the issue still persists, I'd like to raise you a support ticket.

    We'll reach out now!
    Kind regards

    Robyn Edwards | Redgate Software
    Have you visited our Help Center?
  • plamenplamen Posts: 4 New member
    Yes, it still persists as I can't change my account privileges.
  • We have raised you a support ticket. Please check your inbox for an email from 
    Kind regards

    Robyn Edwards | Redgate Software
    Have you visited our Help Center?
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