Can our TeamCity server invoke SQL Prompt code analysis rules as part of a TeamCity build check?
Posts: 4 New member
in SQL Prompt
Whilst its great that SQL Prompt can be used to highlight SQL code smells in a manual code review, I am hoping that there is scope to include the same rules as part of automated continuous integration process also.
I know that a command line feature of SQL Prompt is on the roadmap, which I imagine would work well for TeamCity integration in this manner. With the current version is there any way this could be achieved?
Best Answer
squigley Posts: 250 Gold 1That is correct. This is due to there being no command line functionality within SQL Prompt at the present time.If you're looking for code analysis, you can use the SQL Code Guard command line for this -Please note that you won't be able to do formatting with SQL Code Guard and it will require a SQL Toolbelt License in order to use it in an automated setting like TeamCity.
It looks like I could use SQL Code Guard for what i want (command line called by powershell). (from June 2018)
But SQL Prompt has to be the long term solution, if not the current one.
As you can see from the below roadmap, it's unfortunately the case that SQL Prompt will more than likely not have the command line as a feature for the foreseeable future:
Sean Quigley | Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software
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Thanks for the reply squigley, much appreciated!
Am i right to assume that there is no current method for me to call SQL Prompts code inspection logic, from within TeamCity?