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Are Partial backups supported?

We are currently investigating using partial backups for some of our big databases (>4TB) and we are having some issues with SQL Backup support (which for now is our current backup product).

Issue #1: GUI Support, the SQL Backup 8 GUI doesn't seem to recognize partial backup as valid backups (ie. type shows as unknown )
Issue #2: We can take the backup by manually doing this:
DECLARE @ReturnCode int EXECUTE @ReturnCode = [master].dbo.sqlbackup N'-SQL "BACKUP DATABASE [BackupTest] TO DISK = N''C:\mybackup.sqb'' WITH NO_CHECKSUM, KEYSIZE = 256, PASSWORD = N''MyPassword''"' IF @ReturnCode <> 0 RAISERROR('Error performing SQLBackup backup.', 16, 1)
For partial backups we use the READ_WRITE_FILEGROUPS setting.

Which works fine, and we can restore from there with no issues. But when we try to delete old file from the backup location nothing really works, we've tried the following with no success:
EXECUTE [master].dbo.sqlbackup '-SQL "ERASE DIFF_BACKUPS  FOR [BackupTest] FROM DISK = ''c:\'' KEEP = 2b WITH PASSWORD = ''MyPassword''"'
DECLARE @error varchar(1024)
DECLARE @count int
EXECUTE [master].dbo.sqbutility 1032, N'BackupTest', N'c:\', 'I', '24h', 'MyPassword',  @count OUT, @error OUT

Is this expected?

The SQL Backup Edition we are using is:


1 comment

  • Eddie D

    I believe this problem is being investigated as part of Support Ticket #93455.
    Eddie D

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