SQL Monitor - Top Expensive / Long running queries

RameshShankarGRameshShankarG Posts: 18
edited November 7, 2016 2:26AM in SQL Monitor 6

Is there a way to get a consolidated list of top expensive queries / long running queries. ? We are receiving bunch of alerts from Sql Monitor. We have reviewed the tables in RedGateMonitor database and it looks like the sqltext column is encrypted/not readable. How can we get a consolidated list of queries?



  • Hi RameshShankarG,

    The sqltext column is just gzip compressed so you will need to write a program to extract the data from that table and un-gzip it to a readable format.

    Kind regards,
    Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software

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  • Alex,

    Can you please provide the code to decrypt the column? I have tried, it returns null for all the rows.

  • Alex,

    We are not able to get the list of queries and the alerts that we are receiving also not showing any useful information, it just shows "SELECT","INSERT", "UPDATE" etc., and not the full query. SQL Monitor version we are using in Please reply on this issue.

  • Alex BAlex B Posts: 1,159 Diamond 4
    Hi RameshShankarG,

    We don't officially support querying the data repository but it sounds as if you may be getting the information correctly - The issue of only seeing the keyword is a known issue the developers are currently looking into with internal reference SRP-10404 where only the keywords for the queries are being shown. I believe in these instances there is NULL contained in the _QueryText column. I will update here once there is further information on that issue.

    Kind regards,
    Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software

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  • Alex,

    Any update on the fix? We are not getting any useful information from SQL Log alert to analyze/fix.

  • Hi RameshShankarG,

    Unfortunately the developers are still working on the issue and there is not yet a fix.

    Kind regards,
    Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software

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  • Alex BAlex B Posts: 1,159 Diamond 4
    Hi RameshShankarG,

    The developers have released a fix that should address this issue - it prevents a possibility of us NULLing the query text. Now if there is no text then it will have been passed to us in that manner.

    Please try the latest version 6.0.10 and let me know if this appears to have addressed the issue for you with new queries moving forwards.

    Kind regards,
    Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software

    Have you visited our Help Center?
  • Alex,

    Thanks for the update. We will verify and let you know if there are still issues.
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