New "Edit Formatting Styles" beta feature for SQL Prompt
SQL Prompt version
Is there a way to keep CTE queries from being nested within the "WITH" clause with the beta version of SQL Prompt Format SQL command? When I have a "WITH" clause with multiple CTE queries, after applying "Format SQL" the new formatting style nests the queries with a lot of white space left over.
Is there a way to keep CTE queries from being nested within the "WITH" clause with the beta version of SQL Prompt Format SQL command? When I have a "WITH" clause with multiple CTE queries, after applying "Format SQL" the new formatting style nests the queries with a lot of white space left over.
WITH query1 AS (SELECT col1 FROM table1 ), query2 AS (select col1 from table2) select 1 from query1 AS q1 join query2 AS q2 on q1.col1 = q2.col2;
Unfortuantely I'm having trouble reproducing this here. Could you email across your formatting style to me at please? You'll find the directory they're stored in at the top of the formatting styles window:
We think we've got a fix out for this in the latest release. Would you be able to try it out and let us know if it fixes it?
Best regards,
I would be glad to. Let me know when it is availabile and I will test it out.
Thank you!
Apologies, the build should be out through check for updates now, or you can download it directly from here.
Best regards,
I have tested the fix and everything seems to be working as expected. The version I'm using is Just giving this for validation.
Thank you for fast feedback. I'm very impressed!
Glad it's working for you!
Best regards,