Querying for long running queries on a specific database

TenroseiTenrosei Posts: 2
edited January 25, 2016 6:38AM in SQL Monitor Previous Versions
Hello I have a single sql server with 20+ databases in it and when you are in alerts and select the main server you can see long running queries but if you select only a specific database you no longer see their long running queries. is there some way I can get the long running queries to show up under their database or is there a way to query all alerts for a specific database (considering its a field in the long running query details).


  • Alex BAlex B Posts: 1,159 Diamond 4
    Hi Tenrosei,

    The Long-running query alert is a SQL Instance level alert, it does not show up at the database level because it is not applicable at that level in SQL Monitor. Sean was correct that there is not way to get the Long-running query alert to show up under the database.

    We have responded to the support call that was raised on this with a possible solution, if anyone else has a similar requirement please get in touch with support@red-gate.com.

    Kind regards,
    Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software

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