SQLCompare not working on new PC

JonSmithJonSmith Posts: 10
edited December 31, 2015 4:08AM in SQL Compare 11

I have moved over to a new Windows 10 machine and installed SQLCompare. However SQLCompare does not work on the new machine. There are two ways it fails, which I think are related so I list both:
  • SqlCompare: If I create a new project I cannot choose a database, i.e.if I select <…Fetching…> in the Database dropdown it comes up red, and doesn’t show any of the existing databases.
  • SMSS add-in: If I right-click a database and choose “Schema Compare/Deploy->Set as Target then I get an exception. I sent an error report at about 2:45pm on Sunday 20th December.

I was pointed to this forum entry https://forums.red-gate.com/viewtopic.php?t=21901 but my .exe.config is already in that state.

In an attempt to diagnose this problem I compared the setup of this new/failing PC to my older/working PC. The differences are:
  • The new/failing machine is using localdb v12, which needs a Data Source string of ‘(localdb)mssqllocaldb’ while my old/working machine is on localdb v11 which needs the Data Source string of ‘(locabdb) v11.0’.
  • The new/failing machine has .NET 4.5 framework as the lowest framework installed. My old/working machine has various .NET frameworks down to v2 (I think)
  • The new/failing machine has only Visual Studio 2015 installed. My old/working machine has Visual Studio 2013 as the highest VS installed
  • New/failed is Windows 10. Old/working is Windows 7.

Other things that might be relevant is that I only have localdb installed on my development PC, not a full SQL server, but that is the same as the old/working machine. Also both use SSMS 12. Also I am running SQLCompare standard.

Help with this would be appreciated as I only recently got SQLCompare and now I can't use it.


  • Anu DAnu D Posts: 876 Silver 3
    Hi Jon,

    Thanks for your post!

    I have logged a support ticket for you and will email shortly.
    Anuradha Deshpande
    Product Support
    Redgate Software Ltd.
    E-mail: support@red-gate.com
  • Thanks Anu,

    Just thought I should post on here in case anyone has a similar problem.

    The first problem with SqlCompare was my mistake. I needed to type '(localdb)mssqllocaldb' into the server dropdown as it won't find the localdb server itself. I thought it did but it doesn't.

    The second error with the SSMS Add-in is a real bug and RedGate are looking at it. Because I saw this bug I kind of assumed that SqlCompare was broken too, which it isn't.

    I hope that helps anyone moving to a new machine.
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