limit/restrict default monitoring area

iberserkiberserk Posts: 2
edited June 22, 2015 7:13AM in SQL Monitor Previous Versions

A simple question, maybe i'm just a bullet but i cannot choose/limit the counters/montoring area.

I explain: i want to limit the performance impact of SQLMONITOR on my production server.

I have a lot of database on it and some unwanted monitoring are taking 10 seconds of cpu time each minute...

Is it possible to deactivate some default counters or top queries stats etc?

Best regards


  • Alex BAlex B Posts: 1,159 Diamond 4
    Hi iberserk,

    There isn't a standard way to disable / reduce frequency of data collections. Can you provide some more details on the production server (how many databases is a lot, spec etc) and which collections seem to be causing the issue? If you prefer to respond to the support ticket that was opened for you in case of sensitive data that works as well.

    Kind regards,
    Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software

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