SA 6 with C Sharp

jf3000jf3000 Posts: 22
edited March 20, 2015 5:48AM in SmartAssembly
Has been awhile since I have been on here but I wanted to find out if it was possible to have smart assembly used within C Sharp? being a game developer and noticing that there are not very many upto date applications on the asset store I use for when it comes to reporting crashes, I wanted to find out if anything had been written in this kind of environment.

I have a game I am working on and having your system in this neck of the woods would certaiinly benefit me as it has done with the Windows Environment.

Please let me know
Thank you



  • Hi- can you clarify exactly what you mean by "have smart assembly used within C Sharp"? Do you mean porgrammatically run it?

    It is available as a command-line executable so you can *invoke* it from C# (but then I wonder what the motivation for that would be).
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