script includes ALTERs when 'Use Drop and Create' is enabled

I just installed the trial version SQL Compare and I've selected the option to "Use Drop and CREATE instead of ALTER" and when the script is created it still includes ALTER statements.
"Add object existence checks" checkbox is also checked.
Is this functionality not supported or I'm doing something wrong?
"Add object existence checks" checkbox is also checked.
Is this functionality not supported or I'm doing something wrong?
According to the documentation the "Use DROP and CREATE instead of ALTER" only applies to the following objects:
* Views
* Stored Procedures
* Functions
* Extended Properties
* DDL Triggers
* DML Triggers
Are the ALTER statements that are being included not on this list of objects?
Kind regards,
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When you go through the deployment wizard to create the script are there any dependencies listed in step 3? I do not believe the dependencies are included in the options from the main comparison (i.e. if you filter out stored procedures in the comparison but there are dependent stored procedures and you include them, they will show up in the final deployment script). If this is the case then you will need to exclude the dependencies in step 3 of the deployment wizard.
Kind regards,
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