Vista & Win7 x64 polymorphism issue in .Net 4.0
I'm having an issue with Vista & Win7 x64 bit running on .Net 4.0 (tested in .Net 4.5.2 and was not an issue).
Basically in a method I have a local variable declared as an interface type, and then I cast it (using the "as" operator) to a concrete type (that implements that interface). What I get back is null even thought that class implements the original interface of the variable. All interfaces and classes are public. Here are the options I obfuscate with:
Any ideas what's wrong? The obvious solution is to include .Net 4.5 (where it's not an issue) instead of .Net 4.0, but many of our customers are on .net 4.0 and we don't want to force them to upgrade unless it's absolutely necessary.
I'm having an issue with Vista & Win7 x64 bit running on .Net 4.0 (tested in .Net 4.5.2 and was not an issue).
Basically in a method I have a local variable declared as an interface type, and then I cast it (using the "as" operator) to a concrete type (that implements that interface). What I get back is null even thought that class implements the original interface of the variable. All interfaces and classes are public. Here are the options I obfuscate with:
/tamperprotection=true /reducemem=false// Breaks 32bit windows /sealclasses=true /preventildasm=true /methodparentobfuscation=true /fieldobfuscation=3 /typemethodobfuscation=3 /stringsencoding=true;improved:true,compressencrypt:true,cache:true /assembly=name.dll;prune:true,nameobfuscate:true,compressencryptresources:false
Any ideas what's wrong? The obvious solution is to include .Net 4.5 (where it's not an issue) instead of .Net 4.0, but many of our customers are on .net 4.0 and we don't want to force them to upgrade unless it's absolutely necessary.
Thanks for your post!
Would it be possible for you to share your application or a cut-down version so that we can reproduce and analyze this in-house?
Jessica Ramos | Product Support Engineer | Redgate Software
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