SQL Compare and VSS
Posts: 4
Does anyone have a "how to" write up on using SQL Compare with VSS?
The first article on this is a white paper which may help. What exactly would you like to find out?
David Atkinson
Product Manager
Red Gate Software
Product Manager
Redgate Software
Next week (or shortly afterwards) we will be releasing SQL Compare 6.2 Pro. This will integrate with VSS and TFS, allowing your modified object files to be auto-checked out as part of the synchronization process, saving you the effort of doing this manually via your source control UI. Accompanying the release there will be documentation detailing how this process works.
In the meantime you can either identify the specific object files you that represent the objects you are modifying, or check out the entire scripts folder. I would advise you to 'test' this process if you could potentially disrupt other source control users by checking out more files than you need to!
Hope this helps,
David Atkinson
Red Gate Software
Product Manager
Redgate Software
Thanks again!
David Hay
Thank you for your patience!
David Atkinson
Red Gate Software
Product Manager
Redgate Software
This provides integration between SQL Compare and source control when synching from a live database to a source-controlled scripts folder. The supported source control systems are VSS and TFS, although other SCCI-compliant systems may also work.
Check for Updates should provide you with a link to the upgrade.
Please post your feedback to the forum
David Atkinson
Red Gate Software
Product Manager
Redgate Software
I love the separate utility of the ChangeSet Utility. I like the fact that it is separate because I can see this integrating with SQL Prompt at some point and having a developer version that when they open up a database object it also automatically opens up the Source Control object from the same area. (OK, I'm stretching here a bit, but it got me thinking).
The ChangeSet seems a bit slow at times. I have learned I need to be patient and let it do whatever it is doing. I can learn to live with that, though.
Good first step.
Please let us know where the performance issues are so we can attempt to reproduce them inhouse and improve it in future releases?
David Atkinson
Red Gate Software
Product Manager
Redgate Software