Error in V5.1 "Must declare the variable @sqlerrorcode'

just for test case, i did installed a licensed sql backup v5.1 on development box having;
OS: windows 2000 server
SQL: SQL 2000 with SP4
Collation: SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS
Created a fresh database called logshipping and tried to setup logshipping on the same server:
in logshipping selected option to create new database, instead of using existing
stand by for recovery state
backup on local server; restore location and shared path of local server
on second last screen, all configuraitons were displayed to me in 3 different section. everything seems good to me.
last window, operation started.. boom :? , Error on "Backing up source database" Operation Failed.
I have screen shot of error,.. Did I miss something?? BTW, i tried to take full backup seperatly of logshipping database it worked.. but if i try to configure logshipping its failing with same error????
just for test case, i did installed a licensed sql backup v5.1 on development box having;
OS: windows 2000 server
SQL: SQL 2000 with SP4
Collation: SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS
Created a fresh database called logshipping and tried to setup logshipping on the same server:
in logshipping selected option to create new database, instead of using existing
stand by for recovery state
backup on local server; restore location and shared path of local server
on second last screen, all configuraitons were displayed to me in 3 different section. everything seems good to me.
last window, operation started.. boom :? , Error on "Backing up source database" Operation Failed.
I have screen shot of error,.. Did I miss something?? BTW, i tried to take full backup seperatly of logshipping database it worked.. but if i try to configure logshipping its failing with same error????
It's sql backup version installed on SQL Server 2000 Ent Edition. For another test when I am configuring logshipping between
logshipping (primary db)
logshipping_test (standby, for for configuring logshipping)
Could some please explain, why logshipping configuration steps start with
'backing up source database' and 'restoring database to destination server' even though I am already giving standby database name and details :?:
Deepak Kumar
Deepak Kumar
There was an error in our generation of log shipping scripts for case sensitive servers, this will be fixed for 5.2.
Unfortunately the only work around at this point is to set up log shipping by hand - this can be done via the following:
Back up the source database and set the copy to parameter to your network share, then restore this backup to the destination server leaving the database in NO RECOVERY or STANDBY and move the backup to the destination directory on the target server.
Next set up a transaction log backup job with the copy to target as the network share.
Finally create a restore job with a script similar to:
master..sqlbackup '-SQL "RESTORE LOGS [destinationDatabaseName] FROM DISK = ''\\server\share\directory\*.sqb'' WITH MOVE TO = ''c:\destination directory'', STANDBY|NORECOVERY, ...."'
and schedule it to run a few minutes after the backup job with the same frequency.
Sorry you have to do this by hand but the issue will be fixed as soon as 5.2 is released.
Any problems please let us know or get in contact with our support department -
- James
Head of DBA Tools
Red Gate Software Ltd
I am affraid to apply manual logic for settingup logshipping over 100s databases.
Deepak Kumar
I suggest you contact our support department ( as they deal with any requests for Hotfixes etc and may well be able to provide you with the probable time frames for 5.2 etc.
- James
Head of DBA Tools
Red Gate Software Ltd