Custom Data Compare

mcamposmcampos Posts: 2
I searched the forum trying to find an answer to this question before I posted.

We currently have an older verison of SQL Data compare, version 3.3.5 to be exact.

Currently we are working towards replacing our current production system with a newer custom built solution. I need to verify the data in the test sql box vs production sql box, but I only want to verify the records I specify. Does the newest version of sql data compare have the ability or if not does any other red-gate software?



  • Hi,

    You can specify the tables that you want compared. You can then narrow it down further by specifying a WHERE clause for each table, so only a subset of the records are compared.

    I would recommend that you give this a go for yourself using the 14-day evaluation of the product.

    If you have any further queries, simply post again to this forum.

    Best regards,

    David Atkinson
    Red Gate Software
    David Atkinson
    Product Manager
    Redgate Software
  • You can also specify the individual records by checking the check boxes in the bottom grid of the results panel.

    - James
    James Moore
    Head of DBA Tools
    Red Gate Software Ltd
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