Opening Projects <5 in version 5

I cannot say how disappointed I am in the lack of ability to open existing SQL Compare and SQL Data Compare projects in the new version. :evil: We have over 100 SQL Compare Projects and 50 Data Compare Projects that we maintain across a team of 5 DBAs. Do you know how useful that was? Now we have to recreate everything and make sure we distribute the projects after we change them. What a pain in the butt.
As simple as that functionality is to support... I cannot believe you guys took it away.
As simple as that functionality is to support... I cannot believe you guys took it away.
Brett Selleck
Senior Database Administrator
Senior Database Administrator
I'm really sorry that is such a pain for you. We changed the structure of the project files completely between v4 and v5. If you send an email to I will see if we can create a project converter for you. The conversion will not be perfect for Data Compare as we do not store the same data, but it should be very useful as a starting point.
Many thanks,
Tom Harris
Red Gate Software