"Format > Case" bug

In you started supporting CamelCase options (Great!!!), but I wanted my built-in data types to be lowercase. Not all data types are being handled correctly (in context of where they are used). For example,
Declare @TempTable table (...)becomes
Declare @TempTable Table (...)where the datatype "table" gets camel cased.
Thanks for pointing this out - it looks like Prompt is applying the reserved word casing here as it sees "Table" as one. We'll improve the casing context awareness so it's correctly cased as a data type where appropriate. Hopefully we'll have a fix in our next beta build next week, I'll let you know when it's up.
Please let us know if this works as expected.
My code
The indenting of the Select under the Insert was removed. You used to indent the Select to align with the ")" of the column list. Was that change intentional?
This change was intentional - it was requested here. Do you prefer the previous indentation style?
Well, I could live with the change, but what I liked about it was that it made it more obvious to me that the Select was part of the Insert and not a statement on it's own.
One of the risks with changing the formatting is everyone has a different preferences
I've just uploaded another beta ( with this as an option (off by default, so you shouldn't need to do anything to keep the old behaviour). Sorry for the inconvenience!
Hey, no problem. Formatting can be such a personal thing--as it is, years ago I used some software that formatted the code differently than SQL Prompt (don't remember the name)--I just got used to the way SQL Prompt formatted after a while...