Schema Compare breaks on upgrade from to

Bug Report:
Upgraded Schema Compare for Oracle breaks when comparing a database schema VS a script schema created by the old version.
Problem lies in the scripts within the UserObjectPrivileges folder - new version prefixes each object name in these scripts with the owning schema. Scripts created by the old version do NOT include the "schema." prefix before each object name - The missing prefix appears to be what breaks Schema Compare.
Upgraded Schema Compare for Oracle breaks when comparing a database schema VS a script schema created by the old version.
Problem lies in the scripts within the UserObjectPrivileges folder - new version prefixes each object name in these scripts with the owning schema. Scripts created by the old version do NOT include the "schema." prefix before each object name - The missing prefix appears to be what breaks Schema Compare.
Using Redgate Schema Compare command line to rebuild database schemas from RedGate generated script files.
We rebuild multiple schemas in one pass - so have an automated run that builds each schema in turn, but logging on each time as the SYSTEM user (this worked fine in
The schema build scripts generated by Schema Compare for Oracle OMIT THE SCHEMA PREFIX FROM PACKAGE NAMES (in create package and create package body commands) - So when rebuilding the schemas, it attempts to create stored code within the current schema (i.e. SYSTEM)!!
So after the schema rebuild, we're left with multiple broken schemas that need to be patched up manually.
Thanks for the bug reports. I'll look into them asap. In the meantime you can revert to using this link: ... .0.542.exe
Sorry for the inconvenience.
We've currently got workarounds in place, as the capture of table and column comments in the new version outweighs the inconvenience of working around these 2 issues. But looking forward to seeing a version that captures comments AND is a little less buggy.
I cannot recreate the issue where SC is omitting the schema name from package names. How are you using the command line? Can you send me ( the project file if that is what you are using?
Does this occur all the time, even when you start afresh from the UI? Or is it just for certain objects?