XML Element case-sensitive, change not recognized by SSC

Changing an XML element name in a xml.query() from PriorTierCanAccept to priorTierCanAccept in multiple SPs is not recognized as a change by SSC.
Perhaps SSC should IGNORE the DATABASE case-sensitivity and treat text as text: find any change to be significant enough to update the repository.
Perhaps SSC should IGNORE the DATABASE case-sensitivity and treat text as text: find any change to be significant enough to update the repository.
Jesus Christ: Lunatic, liar or Lord?
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Decide wisely...
This sounds fair. You'll want database collation to be considered normally, but XML is usually case-sensitive, so any queries would be broken if the case was incorrect. I've logged a bug SC-6039 about this. I can't promise anything though. It doesn't sound like it would be trivial to implement.
But the INSERT statements stored in the static data script in svn are picking up the correct case.