SQL Server Mirroring

slimrichardslimrichard Posts: 2
edited July 16, 2012 6:33AM in SQL Monitor Previous Versions
Before I go off an write some tsql and a custom metric to monitor this, is there a way in SQL Monitor 3 to do this that I am missing?



  • Eddie DEddie D Posts: 1,798 Rose Gold 5
    Hi Richard

    Sadly SQL Monitor does have any alerts specific to Database Mirroring. The only work around is to create a custom metric or metrics as required for you to monitor Database Mirroring.

    I have submitted a Feature Request for the SQL Monitor Development Team to consider, for SQL Monitor to include Database Mirroring specific alerts, the reference number for this request is SRP-7292. I cannot confirm if the Feature Request will obtain approval and if approval is given what future version of the product it will appear in.

    Many Thanks
    Eddie Davis
    Senior Product Support Engineer
    Redgate Software Ltd
    Email: support@red-gate.com
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