Dynamically provision the login/pw as part of the db create?

I'm evalutating RedGate suite of products for my team, and we're looking to replace our home-grown solution with RedGate or another product.

So far, I like what I see, but we have some specific requirements around how it all integrates with our current process.

Question #1) How can I dynamically have a newly deployed DB from source control have a different login/password.

The requirement is because we may have 5 copies of the same database on our QA DB server, but each DB should have it's own login/password. historically, we've just used the same string to construct the schema and user as well, but this isn't as strict of a requirement as moving to a standard schema per database wouldn't be bad (and is probably a good thing to do overall).

Question #2 - long question, more of a general "how does SC work for Redgate specicially sort of thing:

How do migrations get merged with SC changes. Specifically, how would red gate handle the following situation:

Commit #1:
create table schema.db_table_name
id bigint not null identity(1,1),
first_name varchar(64),
last_name varchar(64)

Time passes, data is added to table from our application...

Commit #2:
I want to merge the two columns, so I write SQL to copy and concatenate the last_name at the end of first_name.
Next statement, I drop last_name.
I don't bother to rename the column to name, I just leave it as first_name.

Commit #3:
My boss says "Just kidding we want two columns again, but we want to add a third column with the middle name" so I write another SQL migration script to parse out the two columns, I create last_name again and copy its data back in, I parse out the middle name if it exists and put it in a middle_name column (new). After this, I update first_name so that it only includes the actual first name.

Now, if I was doing a SQL compare between Commit 1 to Commit 3, it would only show the addition of the third column. Further, it would have no idea that I actually populated that column through a series of business logic steps.

Does the upgrade handle this by step-by-stepping through the migration scripts to get to the Commit #3 version or does the source control just see the differences and alter the schema accordingly?


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