10 Expensive Queries For the Last Week

UnicornsRrealUnicornsRreal Posts: 9
edited January 26, 2012 9:00AM in SQL Monitor Previous Versions

Is there away to get the most expensive queries for the last 7 days every hour?

Can this be pulled from the database some how?


  • Hi

    The repository is not documented sorry but it should be possible to get information from the following three views.


    The function utils.TicksToDateTime() can be used to filter by date. Using something like this:
    WHERE utils.TicksToDateTime(data.Cluster_SqlServer_TopQueries_Instances_View.IdCollectionDate) > DATEADD(day, -7, GETDATE())

    It might take a bit of experimentation to get this working.

    Chris Spencer
    Test Engineer
    Red Gate
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