Servers dropping from the "Global Overview" page

harveysburgerharveysburger Posts: 8
edited December 19, 2011 11:01AM in SQL Monitor Previous Versions

I recently installed SQL Monitor and I keep getting an odd problem.

Often when I go to the home page, "Overviews", I can't see the instances I am monitoring and instead see this error:

You are not currently monitoring any servers.

Add the servers you want to monitor on the Monitored Servers page

But after a while it goes away, few minutes later the message come back... then it goes... and come back... etc...

When the message goes away and my monitored instance is displayed everything behaves normally. But since nearly half the time I get this error it's not really usable.

I do not see any errors in the logs.

Any idea?



  • Hi Claude

    Is there any clockskew between the components of SQL Monitor or between the base monitor machine and the servers you are trying to monitor? It’s a long shot but clockskew can cause all kinds of authentication issues.

    Do you see any changes at all on the Monitored Servers page that might suggest connection issues or is it just the Overviews?

    Chris Spencer
    Test Engineer
    Red Gate
  • It did turn out to be a clockskew we had a small discrepancy between the two servers. I corrected it on Friday and since everything appears to be working perfectly.


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