Invalid Cast

Hi Michael,
There is a new version coming out in the next few weeks, and the way
that it handles collections is being changed. I think that this should sort
out ths problem as well as the 'index was out of range' error.
Kind Regards,
Brian Donahue
Red Gate Technical Support
"Michael A. Floyd" <> wrote in message
> When is Red-Gate going to acknowledge one of its bugs and offer a
> correction. Twice I have called to report the following problem. When
> DB Compare gets to the second database and tries to register it, it
> immediately presents an invalid cast error. I have reported this problem
> twice to no avail. I am running 3.1. Here is some interesting
> if I script the entire database and then use that script to create the
> database, the compare DOES NOT FAIL. Any ideas?
There is a new version coming out in the next few weeks, and the way
that it handles collections is being changed. I think that this should sort
out ths problem as well as the 'index was out of range' error.
Kind Regards,
Brian Donahue
Red Gate Technical Support
"Michael A. Floyd" <> wrote in message
> When is Red-Gate going to acknowledge one of its bugs and offer a
> correction. Twice I have called to report the following problem. When
> DB Compare gets to the second database and tries to register it, it
> immediately presents an invalid cast error. I have reported this problem
> twice to no avail. I am running 3.1. Here is some interesting
> if I script the entire database and then use that script to create the
> database, the compare DOES NOT FAIL. Any ideas?
This discussion has been closed.
Do all of the database objects have an owner? I don't know exactly how it happened, but on one occaision a user had a database with a table in it that had no owner. That made SQL Compare try to compare a text value to a NULL value, which caused an invalid cast exception.
Is this similar to the topis above, and it not how do I solve this error when trying to do a comparison.
Thank you
- Neil
Red Gate Software Ltd
Red Gate Software Ltd
Red Gate Software Ltd
Thank you Neil
It seems like something odd has happened to the database. If you run an sp_help against Nightly_Print_Log on DB_2_4_Neil.bak then you'll see that the seed and increment values for the identity columns are both NULL. This should never happen. If you go into Enterprise manager and change the seed and increment values to something else (eg to 2, and then back to 1) then that should fix it.
Red Gate Software Ltd