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Could not connect to database?

Using SSC Connecting to a database running SQL Server Express 2005 on my own laptop as SA. This account has sysadmin privs and is able to go into the database and do whatever.

SSC starts churning and after about 45 seconds, it fails and gives me an error:

Could not connect to the database. The database may be offline, or you may have insufficient permissions.

Under "Show complete error message" it says:

Cannot open database "eDataHub" requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user 'sa'.

I'm getting the impression it's timing out. This is a fairly large database. But it should be reading just the schema, right? Also, other than tables, there are no other objects in this database (i.e., no views, procs, etc).

Any idea what's going on?



  • chago2011
    The problem... resolved itself.

    I'd been wrestling with this issue since Friday, including a couple of hours today. I rebooted the laptop, restarted SSMS countless times, etc, etc.

    While on the phone with support (of course!), I decided to right click on one of the tables (in SSMS) and select "Design" immediately after the SSC timed out on me. And, right after the table design grid came up, SSC updated with all the tables that needed to be checked into SVN.

    Now there is no timeout, even if I restart SSMS. Go figure.
  • chriskelly
    It's good to hear that you have been able to solve the problem.

    If you refer to the SQL error log, are there any messages in there? Or lots of messages previously which then stop when you manage to get SSC working?

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