Erroneous Log Backup Overdue alerts

RhysRhys Posts: 35
edited May 27, 2011 6:51AM in SQL Monitor Previous Versions
Occasionally we seem to receive log backup overdue alerts when we should not.

The alerts are raised as "Medium" which we have set to 3 hours. However the alerts are always raised at 6:20AM and then immediately closed. The last successful log backup was at 6AM which the alert acknowledges.

I've checked the log backups in SSMS and they have run without error.


  • The alert generates based on information found in the dbo.backupset table in the msdb database.

    As a quick test, please run the following query. Does it return the transaction log backup which occured at 6am? (backup.type should = L)

    SELECT backupset.backup_set_id,, backupset.user_name, backupset.backup_start_date, backupset.type
    FROM [msdb].[dbo].[backupset]
  • Yes, the query return ok for all log backups at 6AM. Log file viewer for the job says the job ran ok at 6AM.

    Same thing happened again at 6:20 this morning.
  • Thank you for your reply.

    I think that you may be suffering from a known problem. Please can you upgrade to v2.3, which was released yesterday, as I believe that it contains a fix which will solve this for you.

    Here is the link to the download: ... /download#
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