Maintenance Windows feature request

Andrew HodgeAndrew Hodge Posts: 132
edited May 16, 2011 8:47AM in SQL Monitor Previous Versions

We run weekly maintenance plans that perform integrity and optimisation checks on our servers. These flag as long running queries so I was planning to set a maintenance window to prevent these from showing.

However I want to know if the jobs fails and the maintenance window will prevent me from seeing this.

Can I have a feature request for the maintenance window to be configurable. Ie be able to set which alerts are not monitored during the maintenance window.


  • Hi Andrew

    I've raised an enhancement request (ref SRP-4202) for this.

    In the meantime it might be possible to filter out any unwanted long-running query alerts using the regular expression exclusion boxes on the long-running query alert settings page.

    Chris Spencer
    Test Engineer
    Red Gate
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